Wednesday 1 January 2020

TAP 2020-21 - Day 1 - Fundamentals of Geography - 1 - Two time zones India

This is a TAPASYA 2020-21 learning thread. Participate and make it successful :)

01 January 2020

Should India have two time zones? Why?

क्या भारत में दो समय क्षेत्र होने चाहिए? क्यों?  

For long, people in north-east have demanded a different time zone, as their body clocks do not match the natural sunrise-sunset cycle due to a large gap with the mainland. Is the demand justified? Why or why not? Please explain with logic and facts, in 50-100-150 words.

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हिंदी उत्तर भी इसी थ्रेड में लिखें, कृपया देवनागरी लिपि में ही



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