This is a TAPASYA 2020-21 learning thread. Participate and make it successful :)
08 January 2020
Preamble of Indian constitution is all about the spirit, soul and direction of the nation.
संविधान की उद्देशिका इसकी आत्मा दर्शाती है, व दिशा इंगित करती है
The Constitution of India brings a diverse nation together with one spirit and one soul. It has a Preamble that creates a sense of purpose for the document. Do you agree that the Preamble provides the direction and thrust needed for the constitution? Please explain with logic and facts, in 50-100-150 words.
Other useful links and threads -
Important Announcements | Answers for TAP GS questions | Preparing for competitive exams
Individual lectures IAS enrolment | Civils Tapasya site | PT APP download
REMEMBER - Rules for Commenting - Be civil, Don't get personal, Respect others.
हिंदी उत्तर भी इसी थ्रेड में लिखें, कृपया देवनागरी लिपि में ही
08 January 2020
Preamble of Indian constitution is all about the spirit, soul and direction of the nation.
संविधान की उद्देशिका इसकी आत्मा दर्शाती है, व दिशा इंगित करती है
The Constitution of India brings a diverse nation together with one spirit and one soul. It has a Preamble that creates a sense of purpose for the document. Do you agree that the Preamble provides the direction and thrust needed for the constitution? Please explain with logic and facts, in 50-100-150 words.
Other useful links and threads -
Important Announcements | Answers for TAP GS questions | Preparing for competitive exams
Individual lectures IAS enrolment | Civils Tapasya site | PT APP download
REMEMBER - Rules for Commenting - Be civil, Don't get personal, Respect others.
हिंदी उत्तर भी इसी थ्रेड में लिखें, कृपया देवनागरी लिपि में ही