Monday 20 January 2020

TAP 2020-21 - Day 9 - Environment and Ecology - 3 - Coral reefs - the rainforests of Oceans

This is a TAPASYA 2020-21 learning thread. Participate and make it successful :)

20 January 2020

Corals are the rainforests of the Oceans. They are degrading rapidly. It's an ominous sign.

मूंगें समुद्र के वर्षावन कहलाते हैं, एवं मूंगा चट्टानें हज़ारों समुद्री प्रजातियों को आश्रय देती हैं. इनका तीव्र ह्वास चिंता का विषय है 

Minor changes in ocean temperatures are leading to large-scale denudation of corals and coral reefs, due to various factors. This is in turn depleting many other marine species. What can be done to contain this damage? Your views.

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