This is a TAPASYA 2020-21 learning thread. Participate and make it successful :)
15 January 2020
A young activist Greta Thunberg is fighting the good fight - global warming awareness via climate strikes, and asking adults to take meaningful action.
एक युवा ग्रेटा थ्युंबर्ग जलवायु हड़ताल के माध्यम से वयस्कों का ध्यान एक आवश्यक लड़ाई की ओर खींच रही है. वो चाहती है कि समयोचित कार्यवाही हो.
A young activist Greta Thunberg is fighting the good fight - making the world aware of pending doom due to global warming, and asking the adults to take meaningful action. Many bitterly oppose her, stating that either she is not genuine, or her method is wrong. Is her activist method right? What is your opinion?
Other useful links and threads -
Important Announcements | Answers for TAP GS questions | Preparing for competitive exams
Individual lectures IAS enrolment | Civils Tapasya site | PT APP download
REMEMBER - Rules for Commenting - Be civil, Don't get personal, Respect others.
हिंदी उत्तर भी इसी थ्रेड में लिखें, कृपया देवनागरी लिपि में ही
15 January 2020
A young activist Greta Thunberg is fighting the good fight - global warming awareness via climate strikes, and asking adults to take meaningful action.
एक युवा ग्रेटा थ्युंबर्ग जलवायु हड़ताल के माध्यम से वयस्कों का ध्यान एक आवश्यक लड़ाई की ओर खींच रही है. वो चाहती है कि समयोचित कार्यवाही हो.
A young activist Greta Thunberg is fighting the good fight - making the world aware of pending doom due to global warming, and asking the adults to take meaningful action. Many bitterly oppose her, stating that either she is not genuine, or her method is wrong. Is her activist method right? What is your opinion?
Other useful links and threads -
Important Announcements | Answers for TAP GS questions | Preparing for competitive exams
Individual lectures IAS enrolment | Civils Tapasya site | PT APP download
REMEMBER - Rules for Commenting - Be civil, Don't get personal, Respect others.
हिंदी उत्तर भी इसी थ्रेड में लिखें, कृपया देवनागरी लिपि में ही